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March 21, 2024

E39: Study Hack | What to do about OVERTHINKING!?

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How do you PASS the Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE)? On this podcast, we will be discussing concepts from the FTCE Testing Blueprint to help you prepare for the exam. ..Not only is each episode based on the FTCE General Knowledge essay subtest, English Language Skills subtest, Reading subtest, and Mathematics subtest, but I am also using my experience as a FTCE Tutor, 10 year classroom teacher who has passed the FTCE GK Exam, FTCE Professional Education Exam, FTCE Exceptional Student Education Exam, FTCE English 6-12 Exam, FTCE Journalism Exam, and the Reading Endorsement to help you pass and start teaching. ..How do educational podcasts work? Each podcast covers one concept from the FTCE Testing Blueprint. This method is called micro-learning where you listen repeatedly to concepts to reinforce your knowledge and understanding. Try it out! Check it out! And leave your questions and comments below.




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Welcome to episode 39 of FTCE seminar, Teacher Certification Podcast. I'm your host Mercedes Musto. In today's episode, we'll be talking about overthinking. Overthinking? Is that really a thing? It sure is. And I know you know what I'm talking about. Let's get started. According to, research suggests that 73% of people ages 25 to 35

chronically ruminate about the past, stress about the present and worry about the future. Hey, blink twice if you've ever found yourself caught in a web of endless thoughts, hours and hours of rabbit holes, analyzing, overanalyzing everything and everyone every second of the day. Yeah, yep, I knew it. I knew it. You're an overthinker. Takes with

no one, right? But what exactly is overthinking? Overthinking, simply put, is when we dwell on problems or concerns to an extent that is disproportionate to its significance. Okay, let me explain. The Harvard Business Review explains it like when our minds get caught in unproductive mental loops often leading to stress, anxiety, and decision paralysis. Do people typically view you as like really thoughtful? I mean really thoughtful. And you're like oh that's so true because you really are I mean really full of thoughts. If you can relate here are three effective strategies to help you and me overcome overthinking. Number one, I like what the folks over at Harvard Business Review have to say.

Their advice is to right-size the problem, meaning, are you having a level 10 reaction to a level one event? Overthinking often stems from irrational beliefs or catastrophic thinking patterns. Hey, take a step back and critically examine the validity of your thoughts. Are your concerns based on facts or assumptions? Are you catastrophizing potential outcomes or awfulizing about something completely out of your control? By questioning the accuracy of your thoughts, you can gain perspective and reduce the intensity

of overthinking. Steps to maintaining a level-headed perspective involve choosing to participate in positive self-talk. Intervention! Use the word think next time you overthink. Think? What's that? Think is an acronym that stands for is it thoughtful, honest, intelligent, necessary, or kind. When my mind wanders to catastrophic gossip or unruly negative self-talk, I ask myself, hey self, is that thought honest, intelligent, necessary, or kind? Think about that the next time you overthink and keep your thoughts healthy, positive, and right-sized. Number two, set thought boundaries. You know, we've all had to set healthy boundaries with those challenging and sometimes toxic people. Why don't we apply boundaries like thought boundaries to our thought life? First,

we need to recognize when your thoughts are like spiraling out of control and consciously intervene. One way to consciously become aware is when you're experiencing overthinking, remember to HALT. HALT is an acronym that stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. If you're feeling any of these conditions, then HALT and get something to eat. Journal out your frustrations, you know, like onto paper or something. Talk to a friend or get some rest. A lot of times I'm prone to sensitive overthinking and it's actually my brain's response to other red flags that are like being completely exhausted and totally hangry. So remember to make a conscious effort to halt and take care of yourself. Number three, practice mindfulness and try a grounding meditation. What does that mean?

Back to, meditation helps to curve intrusive thoughts. For me, I ground myself in the present moment by becoming aware. So I say to myself, My feet are on the ground. I take a deep breath. Inhale. I can hear the buzzing of electronics. Exhale. I can detect the aroma of fresh coffee. Inhale. I can see the painting on the wall across from me. Exhale. I am aware of my thoughts. Inhale.

I can practice halt and think. Exhale. When you practice mindfulness in a grounding meditation, you're literally resetting yourself because you know what? You can start your day all over again and you don't have to let a bad moment turn into a bad day. Hit the pause button on your brain. Do a grounding meditation and start your day all over again. You'll be glad you did. Let's review. Overthinking is a challenge that many of us face and lucky for us we have some new tools to add to our overthinking toolbox. By practicing awareness of our thoughts, setting thought boundaries, and applying interventions like the acronyms THINK and HALT, we can cultivate a healthier relationship with our own thoughts. Lastly, we can practice mindfulness and use a meditation

to ground ourselves in the present moment, reset, and start our day all over again. For more podcasts about test anxiety, fear of failure, or exam motivation, visit our website at Until then, keep practicing these three effective strategies to help you and me overcome the challenges of overthinking. This is your host, Mercedes Musto. Join me again on FTCE Seminar, a teacher certification podcast.

This podcast was recorded at the Pickens Multimedia Studio at the University of West Florida. This podcast is listener supported. Contributions can be made via the listener support link on Spotify, or you can buy me a coffee at

Transcribed with Cockatoo